There is an old adage, "There are no dumb questions." I'll be honest and say I don't believe in it. There are plenty of dumb questions, but don't worry, I won't tell you if your question is dumb. Plus the dumb ones may be the same things that everyone is wondering about, but doctors don't bring it up, becuase they think everyone knows it...
I'm seriously thinking of good topics and I'm surprised after every question I've ever asked you that I can't think of one right now. I will though. I will.
well, since I just e-mail or call you with questions anyways, it took me a couple days to come up with some for the blog. But I did manage to think of some:
1) I want your thoughts on ADD/ADHD. when/how are children tested? do you believe in it? control with diet or meds? are children just hyper or is there an actual "disorder".
2) do you really think we (the whole family) needs a flu shot this year?
Great ideas, Deb... I'll definitely hit both of those with future posts...
Here's one:
What do you think of these energy drinks that seem to be the rage with all the kids? Are they here to stay? And what of the "energy" they provide? Overall review?
thought of another one:
what do you think about children needing to take vitamins? what about adults?
Ryan and Deb:
I'll be sure to hit those subjects in the future. Although I sense you may have an alterior motive, Ryan. I hope you don't work for one of those companies...
Okay, I know you're not a dentist, but any tips on how to keep children's teeth flossed/brushed REALLY well every night...even when you're dead tired? I've heard there's a blue mouthwash/stain to show where there's still plaque? This is my weakness...
Also, I keep forgetting how often my older children need to see the doctor. Do they all need yearly checkups after first grade? We've had great health lately--except for Ethan's collarbone accident, and I keep forgetting about my big kids' physicals.
Do I sound like a delinquent parent?
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